Friday 29 December 2006

Umgangsformen im Internet

Die Kommunikation im Internet unterliegt grundsätzlich denselben Spielregeln wie bei der persönlichen Begegnung. Dabei ist es wichtig, dass alle Beteiligten die Legitimität und allgemeine Gültigkeit von Regeln anerkennen.
Das Dilemma bei Umgangsformen und Etikette im Internet liegt im Nichtvorhandensein der der Sprache beigefügten Nuancen von Mimik, Gestik oder Tonfall und darüber hinaus gibt es kein Regulativ für begangene Kommunikationsfehler.

Communicating in the Internet runs with the same rules as a personal meeting as a matter of principle. At the same time it is important that all involved accept the legitimacy and general validity of rules.
The dilemma with manners and etiquette in the Internet arises both from the lack the language attached nuances of facial expression, gesturing or intonation and the missing regulation for committed communication errors.

Wednesday 27 December 2006

Phishing - the criminals never give up!

Phishing means the use of social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal consumers' personal identity data and financial account credentials. With this data these criminals try to procure money - often with the support of harmless (and in most cases very stupid) internet users recruited by spam mails.
We have the technique of social engeneering as a very common problem in our society, because with the proper knowledge of personal data it's very easy for criminals to enrich themselfs in some illegal way.

Further information: Antiphishing page

The (non)sense of emoticons

Why are emoticons important?
That's a fact: communication either textual or verbal is not only to share information. In many cases emotional aspects are transported too. It is important to distinguish formal information and personal news.
  • Informing a hotel about the flight connection (date of fligth, company and fligt number) you will use will not legitimate any emoticon.
  • Writing your boy or girl friend you will pack a lot of emotions into your message - in that case the use of emoticons may be usefull

In some forums we se an inflation of emoticons "decorating" single messages. I think that a good eye leads you to a sensfull middle course.

Thursday 14 December 2006

We all like the f... words!

Nice isn't easy - but to be nice makes many things easier.
How to communicate is to be seen in the mirror of the spirit of the age. Using emoticons or some strange abbreviations is sign of the new generation and will produce conflicts with elder people, who will not understand them or even missunderstand them!
Let's talk about the situation, let's discuss the state of art and future development.

Maybe we will find out a better way to exchange views and to talk to each other.